Transvasive Security

the human factor

Past Talks

This week I’ve been looking through and cataloging my past presentations, and found a few older ones that were never posted here or at

Here are brief notes and slides from these past talks:

University of MN

I presented a version of my Behavioral Information Security talk, tailored for an information security class at the Carlson School of Management, on February 13, 2012.


On April 16, 2013, I presented a version of my Information Safety talk that I originally gave at SIRAcon to the ISSA Security Education and Awareness Group, along with the Information Safety Basics slides I’d developed.

Secure360 2013

In May 2013, I gave an updated version of the Behavioral Threat Modeling talk I originally gave at the ISC2 Security Congress in 2012.

Secure360 2017

Finally, I spoke at Secure360 2017 on “Practical Identity Access Management”, originally given at CyberSecureGov. I was later invited to present the talk again at the first (and last) Secure360 conference in Milwaukee, WI in 2018. (slides)

I’ll be posting some additional talks with new materials separately.